Emotional Empowerment

Your path to emotional health and resilience

Building resilience with Emotional Empowerment Training

You would like to change something in your life, but you feel burnt out, overwhelmed, stressed? You have no idea how to muster the strength to change your life for the better? Do you lack resilience?

Many people – professionally or privately – remain in a situation that is not good for them for far too long. Until physical or psychological symptoms appear, up to and including burnout or depression. And then what? Many of my clients first try vocational coaching because they have developed burnout in their previous occupation. Usually, however, they are so exhausted that “normal” coaching is not feasible for them at first. They lack emotional resistance and creativity. The reason for this is often emotional conditioning.

The technical term for this mental resistance is resilience. With the training and coaching offers presented here, based on Possibility Management and responsible feelings work, you can gradually regain your authentic power to shape your life positively – whether professionally or privately.


My Name is Patrizia Patz

Evolutionary Crust Blaster,  Trainer & Coach, Author

Your feelings are a source of power waiting to be ignited!

Individual Coaching

You would like to work one on one with me? You can find information here.

Training in groups

Many things go faster and easier in a group. You want to know how?

Set out together with me

When is Emotional Empowerment particularly useful for you?

Basically, we are all illiterate when it comes to feelings and emotions. We learn nothing about feelings or how to deal with them in a healthy way.  Emotional competence or resilience is a human resource that is completely ignored by our standard education.

Do you find it difficult to say NO or to make decisions?

You feel stressed - every little thing makes you explode or withdraw?

You have no more energy - you lack any impulse to become active?

You feel trapped, powerless, don't know what to do?

You have already developed burnout or depression or are well on the way to it?

You would like to ... but the YES, BUT list is overwhelmingly long

You feel disconnected - from yourself, your body, your creativity, your environment....

... and at the same time you have the desire to develop more resilience and creativity.

Patrizia Patz

Know more about Patrizia Patz, alternative practitioner and Possibility Management trainer. This way please …

Emotional Empowerment - the book

You want to have the book “EMOTIONAL EMPOWERMENT – How to heal your emotions and use your feelings as a resource?” You can get it here …

Upcoming Events

This link leads you to the calendar with the upcoming events. Don’t hesitate too long …

You have questions? Just ask!

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