Emotional Empowerment - the book

... how to heal your emotions and use your feelings as a resource

EMOTIONAL EMPOWERMENT – Patrizia Patz’s book on how to deal with your feelings in a healthy way

Feelings are not a disease! They are a source of power and a navigation system in one.

It is not our feelings that make us ill. It is the unconscious way we deal with them that keeps psychotherapists’ order books full. Our standard education teaches us nothing about dealing with feelings in a healthy way.

When it comes to feelings, most of us are illiterate. It’s time to change that. Patz’s book relentlessly dispels outdated myths about feelings and shows concrete and attractive ways to reactivate and harness this inherent power in all of us.

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EMOTIONAL EMPOWERMENT – how to heal your emotions and use your feelings as a resource

Forget everything you think you know about feelings! Because our culture, which is so rational and mind-oriented, wants us to believe that feelings are unprofessional and negative. To develop emotional strength, we need a different attitude towards feelings.

Feelings are not a design flaw of creation! They are a useful source of power and navigation system in one. On the other hand, they can also be tools for manipulation. But without awareness of them, we have no choice. Only when we are aware of our feelings do we gain clarity and are able to take responsibility for our own lives….

First reader comments & reviews

My „must have“ 

If you are interested in what feelings are other than what you may have thought or learned by now, read this book and you will get a new perspective on feelings.

I had the honour of cross-reading the book before it came out. And although I have already learnt and experienced some new things about feelings, the lines have inspired me to explore further. Very easy to read and understand. Written with humour and lightness and at the same time very profound. Even while reading it keeps making you go “Ahhh, feelings are useful”, and “Ohhh, healthy too”, and “WOW that’s cool!”

In short, absolutely recommended and worth reading. Have fun with it.

Klaus Strese

Trainer & Coach, www.kopfstand-coaching.net

From “feeling dustiness” to “feeling competence” – a wonderful life helper

If there is really one book that I can recommend equally to all my patients, it is the freshly published work “Emotional Empowerment”. The book is not only suitable for psychotherapy, it should become compulsory reading in our schools. Patrizia Patz succeeds in presenting a helpful approach to the topic of feelings and emotions in an authentic, lively and easy-to-understand manner that is probably helpful for every reader (myself included). Ms. Patz structures her book on the basis of 10 myths about feelings, which she is able to refute convincingly. Last but not least, the author describes concrete exercises that can be used to make the numerous suggestions tangible and useful for oneself. And that is what matters most. I devoured the book, which I received for review, i.e. did not buy, in one weekend.

Dr. Dr. med Herbert Mück

Medical doctor & psychotherapist

The book reads easily and “smoothly”. It is not a dry guidebook. The language is not too intellectual – more than just the mind is addressed. It feels like you are in dialogue with the author. She speaks directly to the reader and asks questions that make the reader reflect. The author gives distinctions rather than making assertions. The inclusion of her personal experiences and stories make the book lively and human. The exercises make the topic practical…

Martina Unger

Trainer & Coach, www.martinaunger.com

Thank you, dear Patrizia, for your new book. I have just finished reading it and am thrilled. It speaks very much from my soul. It gets to the heart of many things for which I have lacked the words so far. It gives me more clarity. It also gives me additional connection, because at its core it is about connection with nature. It is about naturalness in dealing with ourselves, with our fellow human beings and with the whole of creation. I suspect that this is what you stand for. Namely, that it is time for many people to take exactly this path. I will recommend your book to others.

Ulf Kossel

Feelings are known to be difficult to put into words. However, Patrizia Patz has succeeded in presenting and explaining difficult contexts and distinctions in a catchy and comprehensible way. One notices that there is not only theory but personal experience behind it. Highly recommended – for BOTH genders!

Walter Kraus

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